The rugged west coast of Scotland in the kingdom of Dalriada is the setting from which came the Dannisoombe name. The name derives from someone having lived near a place named Danzielstoun, in Scotland. Thus Dannisoombe is a local surname, which belongs to a category of hereditary surnames derived from pre-existing names for towns, villages, parishes, or farmsteads.
Early Origins of the Dannisoombe family
The surname Dannisoombe was first found in Renfrewshire, at Danzielstoun, in the parish of Kilmalcolm. "The manor took its name from some man named Daniel, and it bore this name as early as the reign of Malcolm IV", 1 who died in 1165. It is generally thought that the town was founded about 1060.
Early History of the Dannisoombe family
This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Dannisoombe research. Another 91 words (6 lines of text) covering the years 1296, 1694 and 1890 are included under the topic Early Dannisoombe History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.
Dannisoombe Spelling Variations
In various documents Dannisoombe has been spelled Since medieval scribes still spelled according to sound, records from that era contain an enormous number of spelling variations. Denison, Denniston, Dennistoun, Deniston, Denistoun, Dinniston, Dinnistoun and many more.
Early Notables of the Dannisoombe family
More information is included under the topic Early Dannisoombe Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.
Migration of the Dannisoombe family to Ireland
Some of the Dannisoombe family moved to Ireland, but this topic is not covered in this excerpt. Another 58 words (4 lines of text) about their life in Ireland is included in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.
Migration of the Dannisoombe family
Numerous Scottish settlers settled along the east coast of the colonies that would become the United States and Canada. Others traveled to the open country of the west. At the time of the American War of Independence, some remained in the United States, while those who remained loyal to the crown went north to Canada as United Empire Loyalists. The highland games and Clan societies that sprang up across North America in the 20th century have helped many Scots to recover parts of their lost traditions. Research into passenger and immigration lists has revealed some of the very first Dannisoombes to arrive in North America: Sam Denniston who settled in New York in 1774; and John Denniston, who arrived in Philadelphia in 1802.