Floruit (fl.)
Many entries include the abbreviation fl. as in "Arthur Williams (fl.1456-1485)." Derived from the Latin verb floreo, meaning "to bloom or flower," this term is more commonly undertsood to mean "when a person flourishes" or came to be in prominence.
","The First Fleet departed from Portsmouth, on the south coast of England, on May 13, 1787 and sailed for around 250 days. The fleet was comprised of eleven ships - six prison ships, three equipment ships, and two navy ships, Sirius and Supply. After an extremely long journey, the First Fleet finally arrived at Botany Bay, located in Sydney, New South Wales, between January 18 and 20, 1788.","Dutch navigator Willem Jansz aboard the Duyfken was the first European to land in waht is now known as Australia in 1606. He charted much of the Gulf of Carpentaria, located on the northern coast of Australia. In 1616, another Dutch captain, Dirk Hartog, landed on the west coast of Australia near Shark Bay.","England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It occupies more than half of the land of the area. It shares its borders with Wales to the West and Scotland the to its north. Laced by great rivers and small streams, England is a fertile land which has supported a thriving agricultural economy for millenia.","In America, those who took up arms for the Crown and fought for a United Empire longed to see the English people united under a common flag and sovereign. These largely forgotten U. E. Loyalists (United Empire Loyalists) who resolved not to live under any flag but the British flag were often driven out of the United States.","With coast line along the English Channel and access routes to the Isle of Wright, Hampshire (Hants) has two of the largest cities well known in history, Southampton and Portsmouth which are administered separately. Originally named after Southampton which was a settlement, it is now one of the most affluent counties in England. Home to famous writers Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, as well as the childhood home of Florence Nightingale and birth place of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. It has been occupied since the end of the last Ice Age around 12,000 BCE when sea levels were lower and the land bridge was too attached to Europe. ",null],"lnksHoverSummaryImgURL":[null,"/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/knight.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/books2.webp?pos=floatRight","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/books.webp?pos=floatRight","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Leicestershire England.webp?pos=floatRight","","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Oxfordshire England.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Yorkshire England.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Somerset England.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Suffolk England.webp?pos=floatRight","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Essex England.webp?pos=floatRight","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/books2.webp","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/first_fleet_ship.webp?pos=floatRight","","","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Hampshire England.webp?pos=floatRight",null],"mode":"","s":"Fitz","sU":"FITCH","oC":"EN","o":"English","o2":"Scottish","cOk":true,"c":"/dpreview/FITCH/EN/Fitz/family-crest-coat-of-arms.png","c2":"/dpreview/ANDERSON/SC/Anderson/family-crest-coat-of-arms.png","v":"1","sections":["","SettlersUS","SettlersCA","SettlersAU","SettlersNZ","SettlersZA","SettlersWI","Settlers","ContemporaryNotable","ContemporaryNotables","HistoricEvents","RelatedStories","Motto","SuggestedReading","Citations",""]}