The geographical area known as the Lyonnais became part of the Kingdom of Burgundy after the division of the Carolingian Empire. Lyonnais is now often referred to as the area around the city of Lyon. <\/span><\/span><\/span> ","England<\/strong> is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It occupies more than half of the land of the area. It shares its borders with Wales to the West and Scotland the to its north. Laced by great rivers and small streams, England is a fertile land which has supported a thriving agricultural economy for millenia.","Term used for depict a resemblance to Napoleon Bonaparte<\/b>, (1769-1821) who ruled as first Consul after the coup d'état that thrust him to power in 1799, and as Emperor after 1804. Also used to refer to the The Napoleonic<\/em> Wars (1803–1815). ","Baron is a rank of nobility or title of honour, often hereditary, in various European countries, either current or historical. The female equivalent is baroness.",null],"lnksHoverSummaryImgURL":[null,"\/cdn\/webp\/i\/kb\/200w\/books.webp?pos=floatRight","","\/cdn\/webp\/i\/kb\/200w\/castle1.webp","","","","","","",null],"mode":"f","s":"Pelletier","sU":"PELLETIE","oC":"FR","o":"French","o2":null,"cOk":true,"c":"\/dpreview\/PELLETIE\/FR\/Pelletier\/family-crest-coat-of-arms.png","c2":"\/dpreview\/ANDERSON\/SC\/Anderson\/family-crest-coat-of-arms.png","v":"1","sections":["","SettlersUS","SettlersCA","SettlersAU","SettlersNZ","SettlersZA","SettlersWI","Settlers","ContemporaryNotable","ContemporaryNotables","HistoricEvents","RelatedStories","Motto","SuggestedReading","Citations",""]}
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