Show ContentsBeth History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms

Etymology of Beth

What does the name Beth mean?

The German state of Prussia, which reached the zenith of its power in the late 19th century, is the glorious birthplace of the distinguished surname Beth. In the medieval era, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the German lands were inhabited by a variety of Barbarian tribes. The borders of the Barbarian kingdoms changed frequently, but the region that became known as Prussia was roughly divided between the areas of Brandenburg-Prussia, West Prussia, and East Prussia. The colorful history of West Prussia, which was nestled between Brandenburg and East Prussia on the Vistula River, provides a glimpse at the oldest origins of the Beth family. West Prussia, is famous for its ancient cities, such as Danzig, which is renowned for its culture and fine displays ofRenaissance art and architecture.

Early Origins of the Beth family

The surname Beth was first found in West Prussia and Pomerelia, where the name emerged in mediaeval times as that of one of the notable families in the western region. From the 13th century onwards the surname was identified with the great social and economic evolution which made this territory a landmark contributor to the development of the nation.

Early History of the Beth family

This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Beth research. Another 70 words (5 lines of text) covering the years 1458, 1466 and 1861 are included under the topic Early Beth History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.

Beth Spelling Variations

Spelling variations of this family name include: Bethe, Bethes, Betthe, Bathe, Bathes, Batthe, Beathe, Beatthe, Beth, Bethin and many more.

Early Notables of the Beth family

Notable figures of the period with the name Beth were

  • Caspar Nostiz von Bethe, who served as Captain of the Teutonic Order of Knights at Conitz in the 15th century...

Beth migration to the United States +

Some of the first settlers of this family name were:

Beth Settlers in United States in the 17th Century
  • Richard Beth, who landed in Ipswich, Massachusetts in 1648 1
  • Mary Beth, who landed in Maryland in 1658 1
  • Henry Beth, who landed in Virginia in 1661 1
  • Robert Beth, who arrived in Maryland in 1674 1
  • William Beth, who arrived in Maryland in 1677 1
Beth Settlers in United States in the 18th Century
  • Willem Beth, who arrived in New York in 1739 1
  • Johan Martin Beth, who landed in Pennsylvania in 1752 1
  • Johan Fredk Beth, who arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1772 1
  • Elizabeth Beth, who landed in Pennsylvania in 1793 1
Beth Settlers in United States in the 19th Century
  • August Beth, who settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1877

Beth migration to Canada +

Some of the first settlers of this family name were:

Beth Settlers in Canada in the 18th Century
  • Thomas Beth, who arrived in Nova Scotia in 1749
Beth Settlers in Canada in the 19th Century
  • Henry Hull Beth, who arrived in Canada in 1834

Contemporary Notables of the name Beth (post 1700) +

  • Amy Beth Schumer (b. 1981), American Writers Guild of America Award and Golden Globe Award nominated stand-up comedian, writer, actress, and producer from New York City
  • Aruna Beth Abrams (b. 1975), American singer, songwriter, DJ, producer and pianist
  • Mary Beth Edelson (1933-2021), née Johnson, an American artist and pioneer of the feminist art movement, one of the notable "first-generation feminist artists"
  • Alicia Beth Kaye (b. 1983), Canadian-American professional triathlete
  • Joan Beth Gottschall (b. 1947), American jurist, Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (2012-)
  • Sarah Beth Tomberlin (b. 1995), known mononymously as Tomberlin, an American contemporary folk musician and singer-songwriter based in Louisville, Kentucky
  • Margaret Beth Gott AM (1922-2022), née Noye, an Australian plant physiologist, ethnobotanist and academic who specialised in the use of indigenous plants in south-east Australia
  • Mary Beth Fafard, American teacher in the United States
  • Jena Beth Arms, American Republican politician, Alternate Delegate to Republican National Convention from Tennessee, 1972 2
  • Mary Beth Rosson, American Professor at the Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology

  1. Filby, P. William, Meyer, Mary K., Passenger and immigration lists index : a guide to published arrival records of about 500,000 passengers who came to the United States and Canada in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. 1982-1985 Cumulated Supplements in Four Volumes Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1985, Print (ISBN 0-8103-1795-8)
  2. The Political Graveyard: Alphabetical Name Index. (Retrieved 2016, January 18) . Retrieved from on Facebook