Show ContentsBuhlling History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms

Etymology of Buhlling

What does the name Buhlling mean?

The history of the Buhlling family name begins in the German province of Bavaria. Buhlling is a nickname surname, a class of German names derived from eke-names, or added names, that described people by a personal characteristic or other attribute. Buhlling is a name for a bold or daring person. The family name Buhlling is an Anglicized form of the Bavarian surname Buljong, or Bohlung, which is derived from the German word balt, which means bold or daring. Buhlling is also a name for a person with a loud voice, which is derived from the German word bullen, which means to roar. The surname Buhlling is also derived from the Old German personal name Bulling, which means a close relation or beloved. Furthermore, the surname is a local type of surname as there are several places in Germany named Bulling, Bullinge or Bullinger. Another example of this is the name of the German-Swiss town of Bullingen. These place-names derived their origin from the German word buehel, which means a hill. During the Middle Ages, the Buhlling family emerged as a notable family in Bavaria and it made a significant contribution to the social, economic and political development of the region.

Early Origins of the Buhlling family

The surname Buhlling was first found in Bavaria, where the name Bulling emerged in mediaeval times as one of the notable families of the region. From the 13th century the surname was identified with the great social and economic evolution which made this territory a landmark contributor to the development of the nation.

Early History of the Buhlling family

This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Buhlling research. Another 52 words (4 lines of text) are included under the topic Early Buhlling History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.

Buhlling Spelling Variations

Many cultural groups lived in the German states in medieval times. Each had its own dialect and traditions, and unique variations of popular names. Low German, which is similar to contemporary Dutch, was spoken in Westphalia. German names are characterized by additions such as regional suffixes and phrases that tell something about the origin or background of its original bearer. Further contributing to the variation in German names was the fact that there were no spelling rules in medieval times: scribes recorded names according to their sound. The recorded spelling variations of Buhlling include Bulling, Buling, Buhlling, Buhling, Beulling, Beuling, Beuhlling, Beuhling, Bullinger, Buelling, Bueling, Buehlling and many more.

Early Notables of the Buhlling family

More information is included under the topic Early Buhlling Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.

Migration of the Buhlling family

Thousands of German settlers came to North America between the mid-17th and mid-20th centuries. The hardships of the long voyage were balanced by the opportunity to escape poverty and religious persecution. The descendents of these settlers still populate the states of Pennsylvania, Texas, New York, Illinois, and California. Many also live in Ontario and the prairie provinces of Canada. An inquiry into the early roots of North American families has revealed a number of immigrants bearing the name Buhlling or a variant listed above: Thomas Bulling, who settled in Virginia in 1653; Joseph Bulling settled in Maryland in 1723; Hans Martin who arrived in Pennsylvania in 1732; Christian Bullinger who arrived in Pennsylvania in 1737 and Henrich Bullinger who was also recorded as having arrived in Pennsylvania in 1738. on Facebook