Show ContentsKoo History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms

Etymology of Koo

What does the name Koo mean?

The name Koo is of Anglo-Saxon origin. It was name for a jackdaw. Checking further we found the name was derived from the Old English word coo. This was in turn derived from the Old Norse word ka, which was their word for jackdaw. Thus the original bearer of this name must have reminded his contemporaries of a jackdaw and was referred to as "Koo" as a nickname.

Early Origins of the Koo family

The surname Koo was first found in Lancashire, where the Koo family held a family seat from ancient times. The earliest known bearer of the name was Osbert Ka, who was recorded in the Pipe Rolls of Lancashire in 1188.

Early History of the Koo family

This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Koo research. Another 103 words (7 lines of text) covering the years 1188, 1221, 1783 and 1860 are included under the topic Early Koo History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.

Koo Spelling Variations

Spelling variations in names were a common occurrence before English spelling was standardized a few hundred years ago. In the Middle Ages, even the literate spelled their names differently as the English language incorporated elements of French, Latin, and other European languages. Many variations of the name Koo have been found, including Coe, Coes, Cowe, Kow, Cawe, Kowe, Coo, Ku, Koo and others.

Early Notables of the Koo family

More information is included under the topic Early Koo Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.

Koo Ranking

In the United States, the name Koo is the 10,749th most popular surname with an estimated 2,487 people with that name. 1

Migration of the Koo family to Ireland

Some of the Koo family moved to Ireland, but this topic is not covered in this excerpt. More information about their life in Ireland is included in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.

Migration of the Koo family

Families began migrating abroad in enormous numbers because of the political and religious discontent in England. Often faced with persecution and starvation in England, the possibilities of the New World attracted many English people. Although the ocean trips took many lives, those who did get to North America were instrumental in building the necessary groundwork for what would become powerful new nations. Among early immigrants of the Koo surname to cross the Atlantic and come to North America were: Robert Coe, who sailed from Ipswich to Watertown on the ship Francis in 1634; Matthew Coe, who emigrated from Bristol to Portsmouth in the year 1640; Alester Cowe, who arrived in Boston, Massachussets in 1652.

Contemporary Notables of the name Koo (post 1700) +

  • Peter A. Koo, American Republican politician, Candidate for New York State Senate 16th District, 2008 2

  1. "What are the 5,000 Most Common Last Names in the U.S.?".,
  2. The Political Graveyard: Alphabetical Name Index. (Retrieved 2016, January 12) . Retrieved from on Facebook