Part of the province of Ulster, County Donegal, has also been known as County Tyconnell (used 1922-1927). The name came from the town Donegal meaning ‘fort of the foreigners.’ Once home to the Clann Dálaigh, better known in English as the O’Donnell dynasty, around 1600, they were one of Ireland’s wealthiest and most potent native families. In 1585 the modern County Donegal was shired by order of the English Crown; however, full control was achieved after the Flight of the Earls in September 1607. During the Great Famine in the late 1840’s County Donegal was the worst affected part of Ulster.<\/span><\/span>","Ireland<\/strong> was first settled around 6000 BC by a race of Middle Stone Age hunter-gatherers who lived there. They tended to hunt such creatures as the megaceros, a giant variety of deer so large that their antlers spanned ten feet. ","The northern region of Ulster was an ancient kingdom, and one of the four historic Provinces of Ireland. The region was mostly annexed by the English Crown during the reign of James I (1603-1625). The Province of Ulster is now","The Irish Potato Famine<\/strong>, also known as The Great Famine<\/strong> or Great Hunger<\/strong> lasted from 1845 to 1850 and resulted in a great exodus of Irish refugees fleeing to Britain, Australia, and North America, one of the most dramatic waves of Irish migration in history. It was one of the world's worst disasters in world history - over one million people died in a five year span.","Grattan and the Irish Volunteer army obtained an independent parliament in 1782. Continued Irish unrest and Wolfe Tone's rebellion in 1798 led to the Act of Union in 1800 and Irish representation in British Parliament. Daniel O'Connell's agitation resulted in the granting of Catholic Emancipation in 1829. The Irish Potato Famine of the 1840s decimated the population and caused mass emigration. ","Ellis Island<\/strong> is located about one mile southwest of Manhattan in Upper New York Bay, United States. From 1892 to 1943, it was the main immigration station for the United States of America. For many thousands of immigrants traveling en route to Ellis Island, the towering Statue of Liberty provided the first glimpse of their new home.","England<\/strong> is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It occupies more than half of the land of the area. It shares its borders with Wales to the West and Scotland the to its north. Laced by great rivers and small streams, England is a fertile land which has supported a thriving agricultural economy for millenia.","Baron is a rank of nobility or title of honour, often hereditary, in various European countries, either current or historical. The female equivalent is baroness.",null],"lnksHoverSummaryImgURL":[null,"\/cdn\/webp\/i\/kb\/200w\/books.webp?pos=floatRight","\/cdn\/webp\/i\/kb\/200w\/knight.webp?pos=floatRight","\/cdn\/webp\/i\/kb\/200w\/scotland-med2.webp","\/cdn\/webp\/i\/kb\/200w\/county_donegal.webp?pos=floatRight","","","","","","","",null],"mode":"f","s":"Mawhinney","sU":"MACSWEEN","oC":"IR","o":"Irish","o2":null,"cOk":true,"c":"\/dpreview\/MACSWEEN\/IR\/Mawhinney\/family-crest-coat-of-arms.png","c2":"\/dpreview\/ANDERSON\/SC\/Anderson\/family-crest-coat-of-arms.png","v":"1","sections":["","SettlersUS","SettlersCA","SettlersAU","SettlersNZ","SettlersZA","SettlersWI","Settlers","ContemporaryNotable","ContemporaryNotables","HistoricEvents","RelatedStories","Motto","SuggestedReading","Citations",""]}
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