Also known as Maldwyn, Montgomeryshire in Welsh is sir drefaldwyn meaning “the Shire of Baldwin’s Town." The Town Montgomery, which the shire named, took it’s name after one of William the Conqueror’s leading counselors. Local government reforms in 1974 combined the areas of Montgomeryshire, Radnorshire, and Breconshire to form Powys county. As a result, Montgomeryshire became a district of Powys. However, in 2019 a referendum on restoring a County Council for Montgomeryshire was held, resulting in the region leaving Powys.","The Norman Conquest was an invasion and occupation of England in 1066 AD by an army made up of thousands of Normans, Bretons, Flemish, and French troops, led by William I, the Duke of Normandy, later styled William the Conqueror.","Merionethshire (Merioneth, Meirionnydd, Sir Feirionnydd)
The name is derived from that of the earlier cantref of Meirionnydd. This supposedly took its name from Meirion, a grandson of Cunedda Wledig, who was granted the lordship—bordered by Cardigan Bay, Caernarfonshire, Denbighshire, Montgomergyshire, and Cardiganshire. It is one of the more sparsely populated counties in Great Britain. The region was previously constituted from the Cantrefs of Meirionydd, Penllyn, and the Commote of Ardudwy.","Pembrokeshire (Pembroke, Sir Benfro)
Bordered by Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, and the sea, Pembrokeshire’s beaches are award-winning, with the tourist highlight of visiting the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. Habitation was discovered to extend back 125,000 and 70,000 years, with numerous prehistoric sites and Neolithic remains. In 2018 a 1st-century Celtic chariot burial was discovered, the first such find in Wales. In 1972, a second reservoir for south Pembrokeshire, at Llys y Fran, was completed.","SHERIFF derived from the Old English word scir-gerefa, was the royal officer in charge of a shire and responsible for judicial and financial functions that included overseeing the royal estates and custody of royal castles.","A family seat, or simply a seat, was the principal manor of a medieval lord, often an elegant country mansion. It denoted the family held political and economic influences. ","Dutch navigator Willem Jansz aboard the Duyfken was the first European to land in waht is now known as Australia in 1606. He charted much of the Gulf of Carpentaria, located on the northern coast of Australia. In 1616, another Dutch captain, Dirk Hartog, landed on the west coast of Australia near Shark Bay.","England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It occupies more than half of the land of the area. It shares its borders with Wales to the West and Scotland the to its north. Laced by great rivers and small streams, England is a fertile land which has supported a thriving agricultural economy for millenia.","Ireland was first settled around 6000 BC by a race of Middle Stone Age hunter-gatherers who lived there. They tended to hunt such creatures as the megaceros, a giant variety of deer so large that their antlers spanned ten feet. ","Founded in 1788, New South Wales (NSW) was the first penal colony for England. British explorer, Captain James Cook, first discovered the east coast of Australia while attempting to examine the planet Venus in order to determine the distance from the Earth to the Sun in 1770, he first named it New Wales, then later New South Wales.","Landlocked in the West Midlands, Staffordshire (Staffs.) is bordered by Cheshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire, and West Midlands County (est. 1974) as well as Worcestershire and Shropshire. The historic county now covers what is known as West Midlands. Historically the boundaries of Staffordshire included what is now known as West Midland County, then in 1888 the towns of Tamworth (partly Warwickshire) and Burton upon Trent (partly in Derbyshire) became united with Staffordshire. Changes came about again in 1911, 1928, and 1907 with the largest change in 1926 and a reorganization in 1966. The Local Government Act 1972 see more boroughs become part of the new West Midlands County.","From its founding until the last prison ship set sail in 1868, Van Diemen's Land was the primary penal colony in Australia and over 75,000 convicts were transported there.","The First Fleet departed from Portsmouth, on the south coast of England, on May 13, 1787 and sailed for around 250 days. The fleet was comprised of eleven ships - six prison ships, three equipment ships, and two navy ships, Sirius and Supply. After an extremely long journey, the First Fleet finally arrived at Botany Bay, located in Sydney, New South Wales, between January 18 and 20, 1788.","Located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, Canada, Grosse Ile is one of 21 islands of the archipelago. This was one of the Canadian quarantine stations which was active from 1832 to 1937. Most Irish immigrants passed through this station in the 1840s. During its operation, almost 500,000 Irish immigrants passed through this station.","Shropshire or Salop is a landlocked historic county in the West Midlands region of England. It borders Wales to the west and the English counties of Cheshire, Staffordshire, Worcestershire, and Herefordshire.","Lancashire (Lancs) didn’t exist in 1086 for the Domesday Book but was first created in 1182, a historic, ceremonial and non-metropolitan county. Originally two separate parts which included Manchester and Liverpool along the northwestern edge of England.","This historic county of Yorkshire (County of York) is located in Northern England and is the largest in the whole England and the United Kingdom. Full of large stretches of countryside including well known Yorkshire Dales, North York Moors and the Peak District it is now surprise it was nicknamed “God’s own Country”.","The English county of Cornwall is located in the southwest of England and as of 2019 it had a population of 568,210. The Cornish People have a rich Celtic heritage and a language they can call their own. Cornwall was originally home to the people known as the Dumnonians, who were comprised of three tribes of ancient Britons known as the Veniti, the Curiovolitae, and the Asismii.","One of the Home Counties, Essex is located in the East of England. It borders Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, and Greater London as well as the estuary of the River Thames.","In America, those who took up arms for the Crown and fought for a United Empire longed to see the English people united under a common flag and sovereign. These largely forgotten U. E. Loyalists (United Empire Loyalists) who resolved not to live under any flag but the British flag were often driven out of the United States.","Munster is the southernmost of the four Irish provinces.
As of 2006, it has a population of 1,172,170 people, and contains the counties of Clare, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary, and Waterford. These","With coast line along the English Channel and access routes to the Isle of Wright, Hampshire (Hants) has two of the largest cities well known in history, Southampton and Portsmouth which are administered separately. Originally named after Southampton which was a settlement, it is now one of the most affluent counties in England. Home to famous writers Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, as well as the childhood home of Florence Nightingale and birth place of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. It has been occupied since the end of the last Ice Age around 12,000 BCE when sea levels were lower and the land bridge was too attached to Europe. ",null],"lnksHoverSummaryImgURL":[null,"/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/books2.webp?pos=floatRight","","","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/books.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/wales_montgomeryshire.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/bayeux1.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/wales_merioneth.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/wales_pembrokeshire.webp?pos=floatRight","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/castle1.webp","","","","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Staffordshire England.webp?pos=floatRight","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/first_fleet_ship.webp?pos=floatRight","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Shropshire England.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Lancashire England.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Yorkshire England.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/cornwall.webp?pos=floatRight","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Essex England.webp?pos=floatRight","","","/cdn/webp/i/kb/200w/Hampshire England.webp?pos=floatRight",null],"mode":"f","s":"Owen","sU":"OWEN","oC":"WA","o":"Welsh","o2":null,"cOk":true,"c":"/dpreview/OWEN/WA/Owen/family-crest-coat-of-arms.png","c2":"/dpreview/ANDERSON/SC/Anderson/family-crest-coat-of-arms.png","v":"1","sections":["","SettlersUS","SettlersCA","SettlersAU","SettlersNZ","SettlersZA","SettlersWI","Settlers","ContemporaryNotable","ContemporaryNotables","HistoricEvents","RelatedStories","Motto","SuggestedReading","Citations",""]}
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